Hampson, 1920, Cat. Lepid. Phalaenae Br. Mus. (Suppl.) 2: 142, f. 65 1255d Automolis iragorri. Automolis iragorri, Dogn. Ann. Soc. Ent. Belg. xlvi. p. 231 (1902). Antennae of male with serrations ending in a bristle; hind wing with veins (6, 7 coincident, 8 from middle of cell ; of female with veins 6, 7 on a very long stalk, 8 from them just beyond angle of cell. Head and thorax white, sides of neck, tips of teguhe, and upper edge of patagia crimson, the last with fulvous yellow patches near upper edges; abdomen white, dorsally crimson except at extremity and with small white dorsal spots on basal segments. Fore wing pale yellow, the basal area, costa to near apex and inner margin white ; the basal area with two black streaks below costa, two in cell, two in submedian interspace, and one above inner margin. those on inner half not reachingthe base; a medial black band on a white ground, expanding at costa and interrupted by white on the veins and in submedian fold; cilia white. Hind wing pure white, the inner area tinged with crimson. Huh. Colombia; Ecuador; Venezuela, Merida; Brazil, Rio Janeiro, Tijuca (Wagner), M 44, F 48 millim.